Module 1: The Basics of Behavior Modification Principles of Behavior Analysis and Modification

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Observational learning is the process by which individuals learn new behaviors by watching others perform them. The model, who demonstrates the behavior, can be a peer, adult, or even a character in media. Behavior modification is a therapeutic approach that seeks to change or shape undesirable behaviors and encourage target behaviors.

  • For example, praise could strengthen the employees’ efforts to reduce defects (positive reinforcement).
  • She placed 4 Xs under each chair leg to remind him not to lean back.
  • There is a saying in Japan that “the nail that sticks up gets hammered down.” This means that in corporate Japan employees are supposed to act together and move in unison.

MI helps those with problems with drinking or drug misuse explore and resolve ambivalence about change including getting help. The main goals of motivational interviewing are to engage clients, elicit change talk, and evoke intrinsic motivation to make positive changes. Changing behaviors is not an easy task for anyone, but is not impossible tas for everyone. It requires motivation to change one’s behavior as well as knowledge about how to go about changing said behavior. Studying up what you are trying to do can make it easier to accomplish your goal. After finding out what exactly makes this type of modifiable behavior happen and understanding them, you can actually learn the modification.

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Negative Reinforcement

Flooding is an exposure therapy technique used to treat phobias and anxiety disorders. It involves exposing the individual to the feared stimulus in a controlled environment for an extended period, without any opportunity to escape. This is based on the principle that a history of reinforcement can increase the likelihood of future compliance.

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examples of behavior modification programs

Fading is the gradual reduction of prompts or cues that are used to guide an individual toward a desired behavior. Shaping involves reinforcing successive approximations of a desired behavior until the full behavior is achieved. Negative punishment involves removing a desirable stimulus to decrease the likelihood of a behavior.

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This process emphasizes a clear distinction from popular beliefs that a person is in control of their substance misuse behavior and simply chooses not to make a change and thereby is to blame for the consequences. It is important to note that a person may be at different stages of readiness to change different behaviors. For example, a poly substance user may be at the preparation stage regarding alcohol and the pre-contemplation stage regarding marijuana. In addition, if the person has co-occurring disorders he or she may be at the contemplation stage regarding mental health. One needs to address these target areas at the correlating readiness stage.

In the 1980s, Ajzen extended this model to incorporate perceived behavioral control as an influencer of intention and sometimes as a direct influence on behavior (Madden et al., 1992). These are just a few examples of behavior changes that many have tried at some time in their lives. The least restrictive form of time-out consists of removal of certain reinforcing activities or objects from the misbehaving child for a short period.


It requires consistent reinforcement when the desired behavior is shown in the presence of the target stimulus and withholding reinforcement otherwise. Negative reinforcement involves removing an aversive stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior. Positive reinforcement refers to giving a child something that reinforces good behavior. Discipline that relies mostly on positive reinforcement is usually very effective.

  • Extinction involves the discontinuation of a reinforcement that previously maintained a behavior, leading to the decrease or elimination of that behavior.
  • If the client gives a response to this question or other questions like it the listener has elicited “change talk”.
  • Write down when and where your target behavior happens (e.g., “After dinner” or “At work”).
  • Steps toward successive approximation, however, must be carefully thought out; otherwise, behaviors that are not working toward the desired goal may inadvertently be reinforced.
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